Sunday, May 29, 2011

Friday: swarm catch & simple cutout

Someone called me on friday about a swarm dat had moved into a building where he has his office.

He took some pictures from inside his office:

When I arrived, some people had started a bbq and try to scare the bees away with warmth and smoke. They had also used a fire extinguisher on them.
But they were still there. So i broke down the wall and this was a *huge* swarm.
I filled up over half of my Nuc box with it. So I went back and transferred them to a wooden box.
Since there was a huge cluster of bees in a place where I couldn't get to them, I left the box there to be picked up on Saturday.

After that I went to Ventura to the home of a fire fighter who had bees in a cabinet on his porch. No Photo's though.
It was the fastest cutout ever with just 3 layers of comb, and 30 minutes later I was going home again. Arrived 10pm and made dinner.. (this is supposed to be a hobby ;-) )

When I returned on Saturday evening around 8pm to pick up the swarm catch, there was an enormous beard of bees on the front/side of the box. So I used a spare Nuc box to sweep the extra bees in, and locked them up.

Sunday morning we moved the bees to another location.
Will make a separate posting about that

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